Top Causes of Commercial Roofing Damage

Commercial roofing systems aren’t impervious to damage, usually manifesting as punctures, tears and other obvious signs that require immediate attention. By identifying these causes early, businesses and property owners can take preventative measures to avoid costly repairs or premature replacements in the future. In this blog post, local roofing contractor Lask Exterior Solutions, LLC discusses the many causes of commercial roofing damage.

The Impact of Severe Weather Conditions

The local climate can be harsh, with its cold winters, hot summers, and occasional severe weather events. These conditions can lead to significant damage to a commercial roof over time. High winds and the debris they carry with them, for instance, can cause punctures and tears on membrane roofs, weakening the roof’s surface.

Poor Roof Installation and Maintenance

A roof’s longevity heavily depends on the quality of its installation and ongoing maintenance. Poorly installed roofs can have several issues, such as improper sealing and alignment, leading to leaks and water damage. Regular maintenance is also crucial to identify and address minor issues before they escalate into significant problems.

Aging and Wear Over Time

Like all materials, roofing systems degrade and wear out over time. The rate at which this occurs can vary depending on the roofing material, installation quality, and environmental conditions. In Rockford, where the weather can be particularly unforgiving, it’s not unusual for commercial roofs to show signs of aging sooner than expected. Working with roofers who perform regular inspections is key to identifying aging-related issues early on, allowing for timely repairs or replacements to avoid disruption to business operations.

Inadequate Drainage Systems

Proper drainage is vital to a commercial roof’s health and longevity. Clogged drains, improper slopes, and inadequately installed gutters can lead to standing water, eventually causing leaks, mold growth, and structural damage. Having adequate drainage helps minimize water pooling on low-sloped commercial roofing systems, protecting them against issues that cause water damage.

Vegetation and Wildlife

Finally, let’s not overlook the impact of vegetation and wildlife on roofing systems. Overhanging trees can scratch and gouge roofing materials, while fallen leaves and branches can clog gutters and drains. Additionally, wildlife, such as birds and rodents, can cause damage by building nests or chewing through materials. Periodic checks to remove debris and trim back overhanging limbs can mitigate these issues.

Understanding the top causes of commercial roofing damage is essential for any business owner or property owner. Addressing these issues proactively with the help of the trusted roofers at Lask Exterior Solutions, LLC, can prevent minor problems from becoming major ones, ensuring your commercial building remains safe and secure for years to come. Call us at (815) 964-2220, or fill out our contact form to get in touch with us today! We serve homeowners in Rockford, IL, and the surrounding areas.